A fantastic stage filling routine for any act! Keith Fields amazing routine with the Human Xylophone is loads of fun! It uses 8 volunteers with wind chimes and wooden spoons to create a musical instrument on which you can play many tunes.
The Human Xylophone comes with a selection of songs (Happy Birthday, some Christmas songs, some church songs, songs for all occasions) and you do not need any musical ability to master this routine. If there is a special song that you want to play, drop me an email and I will let you know if it can be played with the basic set of notes. Extra notes can be made if you need them for a particular tune. Perfect for family shows, street shows, school shows, birthday parties, church shows and more. Easy to do and it contains many object lessons about teamwork and being in tune with each other which makes it perfect for educational shows.
You get everything you need to do this routine and it all comes in a bag to keep the pieces together and safe.
Check out the video…
The Bill in Lemon has been the backbone of my show for over 30 years. I though I had the perfect routine until I learned this fabulous underground method. It made me re-think everything and start again.
This routine was developed and refined in street shows, then redeveloped for use in cabaret and parlor situations by Keith Fields.
The bill is signed and held by a spectator in full view of the audience. A lemon is examined and put on show. The bill is vanished (see Devils Hanky elsewhere on this site), the lemon is cut open and there is the bill!
This is a 60 minute video product. It includes 2 complete performances of the 20-20 bill in lemon. The first is with an audience of magicians, the second, an audience of muggles. Also included in both routines, is a performance of Keith’s Chop Cup Routine. This has been reviewed as ‘The best street closer ever’. Just by watching these shows you will see the seamless way the simple 20-20 method is worked into a whole show.
$20 This is a download
Book 2 of this best selling series contains more of my thinking about the business, how to develop comedy and personality in your performances, hints, tips, patter and 11 more of the routines that I actually use as a professional children’s entertainer. They are all audience tested, real world routines. The actual routines that paid my mortgage and put food on the table for many years. This book was the basis for my highly praised lecture at the Kidabra conference for Family Entertainers in Pigeon Forge. For those of you who have Part 1 I know I need say no more.
But for those of you who need a bit more let me share the titles of the routines…
Water poi
The birthday test
The bill in the box of mystery
The great golf game
The bungee hat
Crazy glue
Bucket head twister
Cut and restored rope
T&R balloon
The clown with no nose
The bucket and poleEnd to end that is almost 2 hours out of my performing repertoire!
And don’t forget the original best seller
‘If Ever a Wiz There Was’
$35 plus s&h (shipping within USA $6, outside the USA $15)
Keith’s signature routine “Spot Paddles” has been called “The best Paddle trick in the World!” This routine alone is worth the price and will quickly become one of your favorite close-up tricks. Easy to do and brilliantly routined to provide over a dozen eye-popping magical moments from the simplest of props. Paddle Magic contains the special props needed for Keith’s Spot Paddles routine.
The 40 minute on line video tutorial also teaches Keith’s Money Knife routine, and a brand new paddle trick based on a long forgotten prop. AND just for fun we have included some hilarious bloopers.
$25 plus s&h ($4 USA, $8 anywhere else)
These are replacement paddles for Paddle Magic. 2 sets of paddles. We sell replacement paddles separately without the instruction link and routine as people actually do this trick so often the paddles get lost!
2 sets of paddles alone are $13 plus s&h ($4 USA, $8 anywhere else)
This is my current favorite gag and I use it almost everywhere because of the surprised reaction that it gets from audience members!
In cabaret shows I use the Magic Marker early on, and then I use Wand2Cane just before the end. There is something about that moment when people jump, and then they realize what just happened and gasp and laugh at the same time. And the noise of the appearing cane in this instant adds to it and actually improves the effect!
For family shows… It could be another gag wand, and they are always good value in a show. Or it could be a running gag. I use 3 of these!! Each time I pick up a magic wand it changes into a cane and frightens the life out of me! So next time I am scared to go to my wand box (draw box) but it is empty, then I open it again and the snake flies out! (supply your own snake box).
I’m sure there is a great routine here for a wand that turns into a cane and then the cane vanishes followed by the wand turning up on my back! (Yes I will soon have matching appearing and vanishing canes also available).
I have recently found a new supplier of canes which are of superior quality and the fastest plastic canes I have ever used.
Anyway cut to the chase Keith… How much for this little beauty?
$35 plus s&h ($6 in USA, $10 outside of USA)
For the last 5 years we have had a pet hedgehog called Heidi, all that time an idea for a trick has been rattling around in my brain. It has finally happened…
4 cards are shown. The backs are balloons and the faces are cute cartoon hedgehogs (can you say flustration count?) Someone shouts ‘POP!’ and one of them rolls into a ball! They take it in turns to curl up but eventually the brave little heroes all come back, and they are all smiling! Why? Because the balloons have all burst! You flip the cards over and show 4 different colored burst balloons!
Available in 2 sizes – Pocket size (poker size) for close-up or Parlour size for kids shows. The handling is almost identical for both sizes cards.
Video instructions and full performance.
$25 each plus s&h (USA $4, Anywhere else $8)
An instant trick that is instant to download
This clip shows the first time I ever performed it in front of a live audience:
The Sweet and Sour Prediction
You have an envelope in your hand and you ask your volunteer to name any Chinese meal. Imagine they say Chicken Chow Mein. You boldly take your prediction out of the envelope and show it to the audience – slight problem, it is written in Chinese! This joke is akin to the bar code gag and gets a great laugh. But you are not done yet… You fold the prediction in a couple of places (remember the ‘Mad’ comic?) and the prediction now reads in English ‘42’ which is the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything (as any hitchhikersguide fans will tell you!) And by strange coincidence if you went to your local Chinese restaurant and asked for a number 42 you would get Chicken Chow Mein!
The audience, although laughing, are still not satisfied – how could they possibly doubt your integrity? So you reach into the envelope and take out a menu from your local Chinese restaurant and show your audience that number 42 is in fact Chicken Chow Mein!
They can really call out (almost) any Chinese meal and the outcome will be the same!
A great routine for stage, parlour or close-up!
Plays big and packs small!
Two great gags and a knockout finale!
Self working and very easy to perform!When you purchase Sweet and Sour Prediction, I will send you the files and you have to print it off yourself. As long as you have a computer and a printer this should be no problem and will take you about half an hour to print and make up. This way if any of the props get torn or damaged you can simply print some more!
$20 for instant download
Magic Matters Lecture – Keith shares his magic, his methods, & secrets to being a better entertainer
In this lecture, Magic Matters, Keith Fields presents some of his magical creations and some of his excellent thinking on the art magic.
If you follow his advice you will have a more entertaining show!
The video lasts an hour and should be required watching for anyone who wants to perform magic rather than just practice it.
In Keith Fields’s book ‘If Ever A Wiz There Was’ is a routine which requires a pool triangle attached to a leash.
It is The Triangle of Terror!
A cup is placed on the triangle and filled with water… it is then whirled around and around in a vertical circle!
You then change direction and whirl it around your head. The water stays in the cup but the audience will be riveted to their seats!
A fantastic effect which will keep them talking. Great for school science shows as this is an example of centripetal force in action!
It looks very difficult but is actually very easy to do!
The set is complete and exactly as I use in my shows, all you need to add is a cup of water.
If you want to do something really impressive then buy 2 and have double the fun…
$50 plus $14 s&h in USA OR $20 s&h for anywhere else
A marker pen turns into a cane in the blink of an eye – but the effect on the audience is quite amazing! They will jump out of their skin, look amazed, or fall into a fit of giggles. This Magic Marker is a piece of magic designed by Keith Fields.
This cool effect brings the appearing cane bang up to date.
Any time you do a trick with a card or a bill you reach into your pocket and say “I need you to sign your name on the card and you can use my magic marker, you won’t be scared will you?” As they reach for the pen it instantly and visually changes to the cane (the noise adds to the shock of the effect). After they have calmed down you say “You said you wouldn’t be scared!”
You can carry it in your pocket & it’s always ready to go.
Self contained.
Easy to do.
Loads of fun.
One of many creations from Keith Fields.
$40 plus $8 s&h in USA OR $10 s&h for anywhere else
A wonderful tool for the mind reader…
You will wonder how you managed without it! One example of the many possible routines with this book…A volunteer is asked to stop you at a random page as you flick through the book. They then look at the page number and remember it. This is repeated with 2 more volunteers. They are all thinking of different numbers. You ask them to stand and you point to each volunteer in turn and name a number and say ‘If I correctly named your number will you please sit down now’ The 3 volunteers sitting down simultaneously is an instant cue for thunderous applause!
This presentation is similar to the Hoy tossed out deck routine only with a book but there are many more possible routines with this well produced book.
$50 plus $6 for s&h within USA OR add $15 for s&h for anywhere else
For over 15 years I performed more than 250 children’s shows a year. That was until cruises, comedy clubs, corporate shows and trade shows took up most of my time. I still do a few shows to audiences of kids and families, mainly school assembly shows, blue and golds, family events, and the like. This means that the material in this book is still current, still in regular use, and still making audiences laugh today. No pipe dreams or untested material, just solid advice and solid routines.
If you do shows for children and families then you must have this book… but don’t believe me, read the reviews…
Contents include my 12 of my favorite routines, my thoughts on how to be the best children’s entertainer in your area, advice on comedy for kids, character building, marketing and so much more.
$35 plus $6 S&H in USA OR $15 for S&H for anywhere else
The Insight Book Test was a huge success in the world of mentalism when it was first released back in the 90′s. The limited run quickly sold out and it has been unavailable for many years. Now re-released with a new cover design and a new title, but inside it is identical to the original.
Nothing to memorize. Looks like real mind reading.
The reviews below should tell you all you need to know but please email me if you have any questions.
When considering this item you may like to look at ‘Running the Numbers’ as an excellent partner product as all the ‘secret information’ that you need is hidden on it’s back cover.
The Insight Book Test is $150 plus $6 S&H in USA OR add $15 for anywhere else
A new mind game where you first predict the number of letters in the chosen word, then you correctly call out the letters and tell where they go. A game you will win every time!
The plot is a simple one (so simple that I can’t believe it hasn’t been done before!) A word is chosen and you play a game of psychic hangman – which means you pick the letters AND tell them where they go AND get it right – And no-one gets hung! See some of Keith’s performance techniques else where!
Nothing to memorize or learn as it is self contained and the clever script virtually eliminates any fishing or ‘no’ answers. This routine quickly moves away from the book and becomes more of a word test than a book test and it gives you plenty of scope for jazzing as well. When you play Psychic Hangman you will always win! But here is the fun part… You are in control over how many letters you get wrong or right! The volunteer can get to the point of almost hanging you, then you turn on your psychic ability and get every letter correct. You also tell the spectator where to put the letters rather than letting them fill the letters in as in the normal game!
Designed to be pocket size for close up or it can be used on the largest stage.
Keith Fields has created an ingenious new routine which makes a book test logical and fun to perform.
$95 plus s&h $8 in USA OR $15 for outside USA
How to Handle Hecklers
For more information about all things Heckling… :
The complete guide to dealing with every performer’s worst nightmare.
One day you will be heckled.
Will you know what to do?Keith Fields‘ amazing book will teach you the
art of self defense against hecklers.$35 plus $8 s&h in USA Or $15 s&h for anywhere else
“Keith has taken one of my favourite creations and turned it into a comic masterpiece – it’s a joy to see the love and care he’s put into honouring my original whilst also creating a logical, hilarious and utterly deceptive comic illusion that ANY magician would be proud to own.” Thomas Moore
There are now 2 versions of this amazing illusion: The Original and The Travel Verision. Contact Keith@KeithFields.com for more details