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  • bill in lemon

    The Bill in Lemon has been the backbone of my show for over 30 years.  I though I had the perfect routine until I learned this fabulous underground method.  It made me re-think everything and start again.

    This routine was developed and refined in street shows, then redeveloped for use in cabaret and parlor situations by Keith Fields.

    The bill is signed and held by a spectator in full view of the audience.  A lemon is examined and put on show.  The bill is vanished (see Devils Hanky elsewhere on this site), the lemon is cut open and there is the bill!

    This is a 60 minute video product.  It includes 2 complete performances of the 20-20 bill in lemon.  The first is with an audience of magicians, the second, an audience of muggles.  Also included in both routines, is a performance of Keith’s Chop Cup Routine.  This has been reviewed as ‘The best street closer ever’.  Just by watching these shows you will see the seamless way the simple 20-20 method is worked into a whole show.

    $20 This is a download

  • magic matters lecture

    In this lecture, Magic Matters,  Keith Fields presents some of his magical creations and some of his excellent thinking on the art magic.

    If you follow his advice you will have a more entertaining show!

    The video lasts an hour and should be required watching for anyone who wants to perform magic rather than just practice it.
