All to often we resort to what is easy, to what we know, to the things we are most comfortable with. But our brains are pre programmed to quickly adapt and cope with change. Try the following experiment.

Wasn’t that strange? You start off finding it hard to read and then all of a sudden you are reading it without thinking (and before you know it a darned Keith Fields advert hehe). As I said, your brain quickly adapts to new information, what an incredible thing it is, we should be feeding this beast to see what it is capable of.
We often do the same thing in our performances when trying something new, we stumble for a moment and then get into our stride as our confidence builds. Starting something new is often a bit scary but it gets easier, it is the first step that is the hardest.
If we develop a habit of trying new tricks and new lines then the process is never scary, it is just something you do all the time. We just have to learn to trust our brains to hold it all together and make it work in the end. So next time you think of something that is funny, share it immediately, get into the habit. Next time you buy a new trick don’t worry too much about perfecting it, just do it!
You may be surprised at what happens!
Great news… a free magazine!
Have you heard? There is an amazing new magazine available with some simply awesome contributors (ahem) and it is absolutely free. If you haven’t downloaded your copy go to now.

The list of contributors is impressive and the mag has real substance (well I write for it so what did you expect?). Did I mention that it is absolutely FREE?!?!? With over 30,000 downloads of the first edition this mag is set to redesign the landscape for magic magazines, I am very excited to be a part of this project.
Keep your emails coming in as I love to hear from you. If anyone has any questions or topics that they would like me to write about please feel free to drop me a line.
Till next time
Keith Fields