Do you remember the first time you had that feeling of total amazement witnessing an impossible piece of magic?
Now more than ever, people need to experience the feeling of wonder and amazement that magicians can create. Let’s all pull together to spread some joy and laughter throughout the world.
We want to start by saying a big thank you to our magical friends and supporters, for helping us to stay positive. We never imagined how much fun we were going to have with our silly idea of ‘dropping in’ to magic clubs with a show and mini lecture,
We set a target of 100 clubs which we totally smashed.

Our final count approaching 130!!!
Really you folk made our lock-down a little more bearable as Lady Sarah and I ‘dropped-in’ virtually to IBM rings, SAM’s clubs, online conventions and more. It was a delight to see our friends in NZ and make new friends in the Philippines. What an honor to see my old mentor and friend Jack Delvin at my old club in SE London and regardless of the time difference our friends in OZ turned out in force. And we won’t mention the banter with our friends in Scotland. And….
Read more: 130We know that some of you watched our showlette several times and many of you complimented me on my work on the professors nightmare.
If you missed it, I produced a mini video of the lecture from a recording which you can see here: Drop-in video lecture notes

Another group who helped us through this virtual year was a weekly gathering of magic club/dinner theatre owners (the list is now up to 80 venues worldwide!) The covid pandemic hit our industry hard and as the year progressed this supportive group shared information as there was a lot to figure out – would we ever be able to open safely?

Well it is finally happening and we hope to open up The Magic Soiree in September. Although I look forward to continuing to spend virtual time and hearing what others are doing. Kudos to Danny Archer and Jay Alexander for putting this group together.

So the point is to say thank you and to encourage you to stay positive! Onward and upward